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A few days ago, I was at the Railway Station to see off my wife, she was traveling to Kushinagar (Gorakhpur) to attend the wedding of a friend. It was time for the train to depart, so I stepped down the train asking her to take care and enjoy herself.

As I was waving her a good bye, I heared some voices "STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!" As I looked to my left, I saw a couple carrying their luggage and a baby, running to catch the train, which was now moving. They asked the guard to stop the train but it was too late and the train left the station. They stood there completely distraught, the agony on their face was clearly visible. Had they been a minute earlier, they could have comfortably caught the train.

Some people on the platform came to them and started consoling the couple. Some were saying "The guard should have stopped the train", while others said "they don't care about the passengers". I also went ahead and said "It's (the train) gone now, there is no point in standing here and regretting. Go catch a bus."

As I walked out of the station, I thought to myself that this is what happens in life too. We miss the oppotunity and regret later. We come up with 'N' number of excuses and explanations for missing the opportunity.

So, What Can Be Learnt From This small Incident?

  • Value time. Period.
  • Plan ahead of time. Because Failing to Plan is Planning to fail.
  • Be Ready and Grab the opportunities when they show up.
  • What's gone, is gone. The missed train won't come back. Plan ahead, start moving so as to reach where you want to go.
  • Take Ownership instead of blaming the circumstances. Because only then you can make the requisite adjustments and improvements, and come out of this vicious cycle of being a victim to circumstances. Take back the power in your own hands.


  1. I choose to be powerful..Thank you..

  2. Very apt example to relate to the life opportunities. I too missed a flight that costed me huge. Wont ever loose a life opportunity to be happy and to enjoy every moment. Well articulated in few words..loved the article 👌

    1. I am sure you won't, as you have taken the ownership of it.
      Thank you.


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