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If you have ever seen a new born baby closely, You would have noticed that they smile and giggle without any cause while sleeping.

I noticed it a few years back, when my sister was blessed with a baby boy (Sahas). It was so amazing to see him for the first time. As I was watching him sleeping peacefully, wrapped warmly in a soft and cozy blanket, he suddenly started smiling and giggling, while still sleeping. It was an amazing experience. While I watched him, I wondered, what is it that he is Happy about?, what is making him laugh?, what could be the reason for his Happiness?

It made me think that, Do we really need some reason to Be Happy?

As children, we live happily, enjoying the little moments and joys of life. We are Happy running around, dancing to our own tunes and playing the street games etc. But, as we grow up, we are supposed to get "serious" and act "responsibly". It is here that we start loosing the touch with the child inside us and after some time that inner child is lost somewhere.
As adults, we start chasing a good job, a better salary, a promotion etc. We tend to tie our Happiness to our goals or things we want to have. We feel happy when we reach our goals or get the things we longed for. But that Happiness that joy is very short lived. Because as soon as we get something, we start aiming for something even bigger or better. This becomes a never ending chase. We are never really satisfied with what we have. Such small doses of Happiness are not enough to live a good life.
Why is it important to be Happy?

It is important to not just Live a fulfilling life but a healthy one too. As when we are Happy, we get much needed hormones like Endorphins and Dopamine. Which are very important for mental and emotional well-being. Also we can only give our very best at work, to our family, our loved ones and to the humanity at large only when we are Happy.

What can we learn about Being Happy from a baby?

Happiness does not depend on your position, your bank balance, size of your house, or on which car do you drive. We do not need all this or Anything to be Happy.

Happiness is a choice, it is a practice. Take Responsibility to be Happy, do not leave it to chancees. Decide to be Happy now.

What can you do now to be Happy?
Simple things like taking a deep breath and being grateful for you are alive, listening to music, dancing, exercising, playing some sport, meditation, nature walks, helping people, meeting or talking to friends, watching the stars, the moon, sun rise or sun set can make you happy. BUT, most importantly you should decide and declare that "I Choose to be Happy now". 

Take ownership of your Happiness now.                                                                                                



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