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"Success is never final and failure never fatal, it is the Courage that counts"

The title is a quote by John Wooden.  These words were written on one of the walls of my school. There were many such quotes written in my school but I will always remember This one. But why you may ask?  Because as a kid I was not able to understand the meaning it held. I used to think that success and for that matter failure as well was final, how can it be not? Because what's done is done (and what's won is won). In my mind I would think of examples where success as well as failure was final. I would recount the classes I passed, the cricket and football matches I won and lost etc. to validate my opinion. So I would read and reject the statement everytime I crossed that wall. But as I grew up and noticed how life works (or I should say how we humans work) I realized that life is a kind of never ending journey and we tend to move from one thing to another, one place to another, and from one goal to another. It does not matter if we successfully achieved it or failed at it mis
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How to WORK SMART AND SUCCEED in the New Year (2020)

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How To Be HAPPY NOW If you have ever seen a new born baby closely, You would have noticed that they smile and giggle without any cause while sleeping. I noticed it a few years back, when my sister was blessed with a baby boy (Sahas). It was so amazing to see him for the first time. As I was watching him sleeping peacefully, wrapped warmly in a soft and cozy blanket, he suddenly started smiling and giggling, while still sleeping. It was an amazing experience. While I watched him, I wondered, what is it that he is Happy about?, what is making him laugh?, what could be the reason for his Happiness? It made me think that, Do we really need some reason to Be Happy ? As children, we live happily, enjoying the little moments and joys of life. We are Happy running around, dancing to our own tunes and playing the street games etc. But, as we grow up, we are supposed to get "serious" and act "responsibly". It is here that we start loosi